2023 合作伙伴


Since 1922, Valrhona has been committed to providing premium products and services to professionals. Valrhona's expertise is known worldwide in 85 countries and has more than 22,000 customers. For more than 100 years, we have devoted all our expertise and passion to the development and innovation of chocolate, bringing a wonderful chocolate feast to the world of gastronomy and dessert.



As a specialist in the cultivation of high-quality cocoa, Valrhona is committed to controlling the quality of chocolate in all its aspects, from cocoa to finished products, and devote to tracing 100% of the source of cocoa. Valrhona selects the color, aroma and terroir of its cocoa beans to retain their unique taste qualities. Valrhona's sourcers scour the Tropics regions to explore cocoa beans from different terroirs. To control the quality of cocoa beans and their impact on local communities and environment, it is essential for Valrhona to maintain close and direct relationships with 17,215 producers from 14 countries. The staffs at Valrhona chocolate factory in Tain l'Hermitage, France, has both the experience of producers and the expertise of international buyers to understand the special qualities of cocoa beans, control the quality of production and ensure the supply of cocoa with exceptional flavor.

法芙娜还是博古斯烹饪大赛(Bocuse d’Or)的官方合作伙伴,也是西点世界杯(World Pastry Cup)的联合创始合作伙伴。作为全球烹饪界的一项重要活动,西点世界杯是一个专业和文化对话与分享的平台,在这里,不仅年轻甜品师发挥自己的才华,而且还可以从这里获得前所未有的灵感。

Valrhona is also an official partner of the Bocuse d'Or and a co-founding partner of the World Pastry Cup. As a major event on the global culinary scene, the Pastry World Cup is a platform for professional and cultural dialogue and sharing, where young pastry chefs can not only develop their talents, but also find inspiration like never before.


极具创意精神,不断挑战创意极限,法芙娜试图以丰富的巧克力风味图谱,掀起下一场味觉革命。法芙娜团队持续创新尝试与失败总结,致力于创造充满创意的全新产品。造就了圭那亚70% (1986年推出时为市面上最苦的巧克力)、曼特尼64% (第一款马达加斯加单一原产地巧克力)、度思35%金黄巧克力(巧克力的第四种颜色),灵感系列(有史以来第一个水果及果仁系列)以及科曼图80%(百周年限定款巧克力)。

Valrhona is constantly pushing back the boundaries of creativity to expand chocolate’s aromatic palette and spark the next revolution. It is with this in mind that the team tries, tests, makes mistakes (sometimes) and starts over (always), so that it can offer something new and creative. This approach was what brought about Guanaja 70% (the most bitter chocolate in the world when it was launched in 1986), Manjari 64% (the first single origin chocolate of Madagascar). Dulcey blond chocolate 35%(chocolate’s fourth color), Inspiration range(the first ever fruit couverture) and Komuntu 80%(exclusive couverture for Valrhona 100th year anniversary).

法芙娜的使命概括为“携手共创 美好未来”,其核心是与生产者、员工、美食工匠及每个热爱巧克力的人携手共建具有积极影响力的发展模式。法芙娜致力于打造公平可持续的可可行业,开发有道德的创意美食,为实现全球碳中和做出贡献,将人才与创新作为企业发展的驱动力。

Valrhona’s mission is encapsulated in the phrase “together, good becomes better”, and central to this is our aim to co-create a model with a positive impact with and for producers, employees, taste artisans and everyone who loves chocolate. It’s not just about words, however, as Valrhona believes in action. This mission inspires and guides Valrhona, and thanks to it, Valrhona is creating a fair and sustainable cocoa sector, developing creative and ethical gastronomy, contributing to global carbon neutrality and making people and innovation the driving forces behind the business.



Since January 2020, we are pleased to be a certified B Corporation®. This label recognizes the world’s most ethically committed companies which meet the highest standards in terms of their social and environmental impact. This distinction emphasizes our sustainable development strategy, marked by the desire to co-build a model with a positive impact for producers, employees, taste artisans, and all chocolate enthusiasts. To do this, we embed major societal and environmental concerns within our strategy, including fair income for producers, access to education and new initiatives to address the environmental crisis. Meanwhile, since 2019, Valrhona China has been collaborating with the charity institution Couleur de Chine to provide primary, secondary and higher education to the Miao and Dong peoples of southwestern China, which contributes to the charitable career in China.


Over the past 100 years, it is "innovation" that has made Valrhona's glorious past. Today, Valrhona places expertise, innovation and development at the first place, empowering the entire cocoa industry. Guided by innovation and sustainability, Valrhona will continue to grow high-quality cocoa beans, establish fair partnerships with producers on the premise of sustainable development, and promote a brighter future for the entire industry. In the future, Valrhona will join hands with professional pastry chefs and food R&D experts from all over the world to boldly explore new trends in the field of cocoa, broaden people's gastronomic horizons, and enrich their enjoyment on the tip of the tongue.