The 3rd CPC: highlights recap
3rd CPC successfully concludes with
new Chinese team officially established
2021年4月29日,上海中国国际焙烤展,第三届中国甜品锦标赛决赛(China Pastry Cup,简称CPC)圆满落幕。由中国焙烤食品糖制品工业协会和中国甜品锦标赛执行委员会联合主办,历经三个多月的精心筹备,本次大赛最终集结了糖艺组三名和巧克力组四名共七位选手,经过两个紧张而又精彩的比赛日,糖艺冠军周子豪和巧克力冠军赵程撒胜出,赢得代表中国参加2022西点亚洲杯,与亚洲各国西点高手角逐入选2023法国里昂西点世界杯的资格!
SHANGHAI, CHINA, April 29, 2021 -The final competition of the 3rd China Pastry Cup (CPC), jointly organized by the China Association of Bakery and Confectionery Industry (CABCI) and the Executive Committee of the CPC came to a successful conclusion. After more than three months of meticulous preparation, the competition gathered seven candidates who went head-to-head in two main categories: three in the sugar art group and four in the chocolate group. After two intense and exciting days, sugar art champion Zhou Zihao and chocolate champion Zhao Chengsa outshone the competition and will go on to represent China in the Asian Pastry Cup 2022 and compete for the qualification of World Pastry Cup 2023 in Lyon, France.
The awards ceremony was held on the morning of April 29. It began with video highlights of exciting moments of the two-day competition, and a video recap of previous APCs. This was followed by the issuing of gold, silver, and bronze awards for both groups. The honorable awards presenters are Chairman of China Association of Bakery and Confectionery Industry Mr. Zhang Jiukui, representatives of the founding partners of the CPC Valrhona and Elle &Vire, Chairman of the CPC Executive Committee Mr. Louie Ye, and member of the Committee Mr. Denis VERGNEAU, and representatives of the sponsors Kolb and SEMMco.
随后,颁奖典礼迎来最激动人心的官宣时刻:两位冠军选手组成的中国国家队正式成立!上届CPC冠军队长卡森上台和新的中国队交接CPC国家队奖杯,全场共同祝贺中国队组队成功并集体合影留念。西点亚洲杯总监Mr. Vincent Bourdin通过视频传递对选手的祝贺并热切期待中国队在亚洲杯的表现。最后的祝酒环节,由中国甜品锦标赛执行委员会委员范昊德先生致辞, 他祝贺并鼓励选手再接再厉不断进取,在亚洲杯乃至世界杯上更多展示中国西点行业实力,并邀请全场共同举杯庆祝这一光辉时刻。至此,本届CPC圆满落幕,同时开启中国甜品走向亚洲和世界的征程!
Afterwards, the ceremony came to its most exhilarating moment with the official creation of the new Chinese national team composed of two champion contestants. The previous champion team captain Carson took to the stage and handed the CPC team trophy over to the new team, as the audience cheerfully celebrated and took group photos. In a follow-up video message, Mr. Vincent Bourdin, Director of APC, congratulated the candidates on their successful execution of CPC and expressed his anticipation of the performance of the Chinese team in the upcoming Asian Cup. The ceremony concluded with a toast speech made by Mr. Denis VERGNEAU. He congratulated all candidates and encouraged the national team to remain persistent in their craft, and demonstrate the aptitude of China's pastry industry in the Asian Cup and World Cup. The wonderful moment was celebrated with a group toast. This marked a successful close to this year’s CPC and the beginning of a journey to Asia and beyond.
Competing with colorful dreams
本届CPC的“彩”中国主题,以多姿多彩的内容,大声喝彩的寓意, 以赋予更多“彩”中国的愿景。所有决赛选手的作品都紧扣主题,令比赛现场呈现出丰富多彩富于创意的甜品盛宴。
“Color” was the theme of this year’s CPC, which encouraged candidates to use vibrant colors and connotations of brilliant achievements to depict the Chinese dream. All finalists were highly creative with their interpretations of this theme, gracing the competition with a rich and innovative dessert feast.
Let us once again applaud the contestants, the works, and their lavish desserts! Look forward to the colorful creations that the new Chinese team will bring to the Asian Cup and the World Cup as they show the world the splendor of Chinese desserts.
Sugar champion: Zhou Zihao
Guangzhou Xindongfang Cuisine School
Chocolate cake: Fennel chocolate mousse.
Self-interpretation: this mousse has a unique flavor. It features a rich and delicate taste that hints at eternity through the use of variety of spices that leave a lingering and unforgettable fragrance in the mouth.
Sugar showpiece: “Miracle-Fairy” the shape is inspired by the elements of Dunhuang frescoes, and the flying apsaras with Chinese cultural characteristics.
巧克力组冠军 赵程撒
Chocolate champion: Zhao Chengsa
Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai