


Founding Partner


SINODIS 西诺迪斯食品(上海)有限公司 成立于1996年,隶属全球最大的特色奶酪制造商——法国 SAVENCIA 集团,是中国领先的进口食品经销商,进口和分销来自15个不同国家的70余个品牌,拥有精美食品、奶制品、饼房原料、干货、糖果及零食类2000多款产品。

2017年,SINODIS 西诺迪斯 受 “西点世界杯 (WPC:World Pastry Cup)”相邀, 载誉承办了首届中国甜品锦标赛,在即将到来的第二届中国甜品锦标赛中,SINODIS 西诺迪斯 也将以创始合作伙伴(Founding Partner)的角色,为西点行业发展尽一份绵薄之力。

Founded in 1996, SINODIS, affiliated to SAVENCIA, is a leading distributor of imported food products in China. With a portfolio of over 70 world leading brands from 15 different countries, SINODIS supplies food service & retail channels with a comprehensive range of over 2,000 products.

As the Founding Partner of the 2nd China Pastry Cup, SINODIS will continue to help the pastry industry in China to have a wonderful development.

Valrhona 法芙娜

Valrhona 法芙娜由一个住在芙娜谷的饼房厨师在1922年创立的,全球顶尖的巧克力品牌,始终坚持用法式传统工艺和厨房艺术制作出美味的巧克力,成为世界顶级甜点厨师原料首选。

一直以来,Valrhona 法芙娜 都作为西点世界杯 (WPC:World Pastry Cup) 的创始合作伙伴,为这一世界专业顶级赛事提供原料支持。在此次中国甜品锦标赛中,Valrhona 法芙娜 也将以其专业优质的原料,推动中国西点行业的不断发展。

The story of Valrhona began in 1922 with passion, commitment and excellence as its guiding lights. Ever since, these three values have paved our way, allowing us to push back the boundaries of creativity and flavor.

By partnering with a wide range of chocolate lovers and chocolate professionals, Valrhona can continue to bring out the best in our material, expressing and developing its infinite multitude of flavors.

As the Founding Partner of WPC (World Pastry Cup), Valrhona has a long history of supporting the worldwide pastry industry. Now in China, as the Founding Partner of the 2nd CPC, Valrhona will keep making contribution to Chinese pastry industry.

Elle & Vire 爱乐薇

Elle & Vire 爱乐薇 品牌发源于孕育了闻名世界的天然牧场和优质奶源的法国诺曼底。1945年,公司在Elle河与Vire河之间落成,并因此命名为 Elle & Vire 爱乐薇 。自此以来,公司凭借其专业乳品技术不断市场高品质乳制品。如今,Elle & Vire 爱乐薇 产品已遍布五大洲120多个国家,产品丰富多样—奶油、黄油、奶酪、甜品。

Elle & Vire 爱乐薇 始终与专业厨师站在一起,为他们的专业与创意提供来自原料方面的支持与保障。作为本次中国甜品锦标赛的创始合作伙伴,Elle & Vire 爱乐薇 将一如既往以品牌丰富的专业经验与优质产品,引领中国西点市场迈向未来。

Elle & Vire has its roots in Normandy (France), a terroir of exception, renowned worldwide for its rich pastures and the quality of its milk.

Since 1945, between the rivers of Elle & Vire to which the brand owes its name, Elle & Vire has been using its dairyman's know-how to develop high-quality dairy products.

Elle & Vire Professionnel has had an ongoing relationship built on trust with Gastronomy and Pastry professionals. The brand supports chefs throughout their career. This is why it is chosen by the great names in gastronomy such as Pierre Gagnaire, Best Chef in the World 2015 and Christophe Michalak, World Pastry Champion 2005.

Today, Elle & Vire Professionnel is present on all 5 continents, in over 120 countries. As one of the Foundings Partner of the 2nd CPC, Elle & Vire offers its support to the competition by full range of products and rich experience.



KitchenAid 凯膳怡

作为本届大赛赞助合作伙伴之一,KitchenAid 凯膳怡 将为大赛现场提供厨房电器支持,为大赛选手们全程护航。

KitchenAid 凯膳怡 是拥有百年历史的美国高端厨房家电品牌,诞生于1919年,专注于为家庭料理、烹饪爱好者及全球专业大厨提供具有卓越质量和完美设计的厨房电器。举凡承袭百年的明星厨师机、省时省力的经典料理机,以及符合当代厨房烹饪需求及审美偏好的各类小家电,旨在为消费者传达“全能主厨,飨你所想”(For everything you want to make)的品牌理念。

Since 1919, KitchenAid offers a world of products with a single purpose: to make sure you get the most out of making.

As one of the sponsors of the 2nd CPC, KitchenAid offers its support to the Final Competition by offering a variety of different equipments.


以赞助合作伙伴之一的角色参与本届中国甜品锦标赛,KINGDOM 金城制冷 将为大赛的顺利举办提供包括场地、设备在内的多项支持。

KINGDOM 上海金城制冷设备有限公司 为台资企业,致力于“创造国际新水平,引领国际新潮流”为客户需求量身定制,先后取得了200多项国家专利。历经四十四年,已成长为中国著名的制冷设备制造商之一。产品涉及展示柜、商用冷柜、组合式冷库等三大商用制冷系列和个性高端的定制系列。产品服务涵盖多家知名跨国企业,涉及烘焙、咖啡、餐饮、宾馆、超市、医药、科研以及食品加工等行业。

Shanghai Jincheng Refrigeration Equipment Co,Ltd is a Taiwanese enterprise.The company is committed to "Creating new international level,leading the new trend of international",made customized products and had got more than 200 patents.Over more than 40 years,Jincheng has already been one of the most famous refrigeration equipment manufactures in China.

As one of the sponsors of the 2nd CPC Final Competition, Shanghai Jincheng will support the final competition by offering competition venue and equipments.


Exclusive Media Partner

Yeslicake 伊莎莉卡烘焙网

全国总决赛当天,Yeslicake 伊莎莉卡烘焙网 将作为第二届中国甜品锦标赛全国总决赛的独家媒体合作伙伴,带来大赛全程的现场直播。

Yeslicake 伊莎莉卡烘焙网 建站于2008年,是中国烘焙行业最早由网站转为新媒体的专业平台;目前平台粉丝累计超25w,受众用户6成以上为技术从业人员;平台致力于结合线上线下垂直立体的服务为品牌提供宣传推广,为用户提供一手的行业专业资讯。

Yeslicake is the earliest professional new media platform in Chinese baking industry developed from websites,established in 2008, there are over 250000 of platform fans recently, and more than 60% audiences on Yeslicake are technical practitioners. Yeslicake is dedicated to providing brand promotion and professional industry information for users in combination with online and offline vertical three-dimensional services.

As the Exclusive Media Partner of the 2nd CPC, Yeslicake will have live broadcasting of the Final Competition.


In Association With

Shanghai Young Bakers  海上青焙坊

本次全国总决赛现场,Shanghai Young Bakers 海上青焙坊 将提供志愿者服务,将一批优秀的新生力量带到这一中国西点行业顶级赛事的现场。

Shanghai Young Bakers 海上青焙坊 是一家公益组织,成立于2008年,致力于向来自中国弱势家庭、年龄在17至23岁间的青少年无偿提供高质量的法式烘焙培训,使他们在毕业后能够找到合适的工作,自力更生。Shanghai Young Bakers 海上青焙坊 帮助的年轻人多是由于家庭原因而不得已辍学,且无法获得稳定的就业机会。

Founded in 2008, Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB) is a charity program providing free high-quality training in French bakery to marginalized Chinese youth aged 17 to 23, enabling them to find qualified jobs and lead independent lives after graduation. SYB empowers disadvantaged young adults who had to drop out of school because of their family situation and are excluded from stable employment.

Volunteers from SYB will support the Final Competition as the newly emerging force.