
The 3rd China Pastry Cup, the Finale is Upcoming
Apr 14,2021

3rd China Pastry Cup

 the Finale is Upcoming

April 27-29, Bakery China, 

3rd China Pastry Cup (CPC) is upcoming 

Seven finalists will be competing for becoming champions!

Jointly organized by the China Association of Bakery & Confectionery Industry and the Executive Committee of China Pastry Cup, the 3rd CPC has been working for 3 months and selected the top seven candidates after the first round document review. There are three finalists in Group sugar and four in Group chocolate. The gold winner of each group and a leader will form a national team to compete with masters from the world over in the Asian Pastry Cup 2022, and competing for the qualification of World Pastry Cup 2023!

Eagerly expecting your witness and applause!

Let’s root for the CPC and witness the birth of the Chinese pastry dream team!

Competition schedule

27th Group Sugar


Competition starts


Opening ceremony


Chocolate cake presentation


Sugar showpieces presentation

28th Group Chocolate


Competition starts


Opening ceremony


Plated dessert presentation


Chocolate showpiece presentation

29th 10:30-11:50 Awards Ceremony