
Messages from champions of the 3rd CPC
cheering for the new season
Aug 26,2022

In the 3rd CPC held in April 2021, Sugar art champion Zhou Zihao and chocolate champion Zhao Chengsa have outshone in the grand final competition.

/click here for recap:

As the 4th CPC is forthcoming, the two champions share messages cheering for the new season.

Zhou Zihao 

Sugar art champion of the 3rd CPC

"I have benefited a lot from competing in the last CPC, not only in terms of technique improvement and competition experience, but also the guidance from judges and other senior chefs, all means a lot for my career and my life as well. "

"I wish that more young and excellent pastry chefs will be joining in CPC. Let's work together, in the way of competition, push forward the technique development of China pasty industry."

Zhao Chengsa 

Chocolate champion of the 3rd CPC

"After participating in the 3rd CPC, I would intentionally use the competing experience and requirements into my daily work. Even before the competition, I have also been continuously learning new knowledge and solving various problems encountered in the preparation process. The whole journey has made me significant growth and changes."

"I wish all the pastry chefs participating in the 4th CPC will enjoy the competition, good luck!"

Thanks to the champions

for their cheerful messages 

Looking forward to 

more candidates joining CPC

Together, shine a wonderful future

Previous CPC recap