Apply Now
The 4th CPC official webiste online application is launching
i.To be eligible for China Pastry Cup
You must have Chinese nationality and at least 5 years of professional experience in pastry industry by the time of the Grand final in 2025.
ii.Competition Group
Group A: Chocolate cake and Sugar showpiece
Group B: Plated dessert and Chocolate showpiece
February 1st , 2023 (the last day of receiving documents)
iv.Application documents
Group A:
Photo of sugar showpiece, Photo of chocolate cake, Recipe of the chocolate
Group B:
Photo of chocolate showpiece, Photo of plated dessert, Recipe of the dessert
Mobile Users
Mobile users: scan the below code
Find the application page
Fill in the form accurately, Click “Submit”, your application is done
Computer Users
Computer users click the below website
Click"Apply Now"
Fill in the form accurately,
Click “Submit”, your application is done
Application Deadline
Februry 1st, 2023
Look forward to seeing more candidates
Let us join the journey to APC&WPC!
More information about CPC
please visit official website
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the below office via email. Please do not make phone call for consultation. Answers to your questions will also be delivered via email.
World Pastry Cup China Executive Committee Secretariat
Email :
Wechat Account:CPC甜品锦标赛